Windup Star Promotions was created in 2003 to connect local Pittsburgh bands to the music scene by setting up shows around the area. Kim McNair, who has worked for Wastemoreland and Lady Fox Promotions is the founder of Windup Star and has organized countless shows in the greater Pittsburgh area.

There's an amazing world available to us all...a world that many aren't aware of, a world where seeing a band isn't going to cost you twenty dollars, a world that isn't ruled by Britney Spears or the latest pop star of the moment...

There are so many amazingly talented bands that you don't see, mainly because your're more than likely not looking for them. There's an entire universe outside of MTV and corporate-created music, one that originates from raw emotion and real hardcore talent. This world wouldn't exist if it weren't for fans and supporters(i.e. you). So get yourself involved! Next time you see a window full of fliers, stop and look. INVESTIGATE. Most of these bands in the underground local music scene are better than anything you'll find in the record store and absolutely better than the music that MTV spoon feeds you. If you are in a band or are interested in working with Windup Star, email us by going to the contact page.

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